Second graders spend many weeks learning about good manners in Social Studies class. They cover such areas as classroom manners, telephone etiquette, manners at a friend's house, etc. At the end of their manners unit, students and parents attend the annual Manners Banquet held at a local restaurant. This gives the students time to showcase their new manners.
We created interactive manner review boards using Makey Makeys. Students recorded three good manners to use when in a particular situation. Then they created display boards using pizza box lids and Makey Makeys.
This project was a great way to directly incorporate a Social Studies unit and coding.
Fourth graders had so much fun creating a class video on the presidents.
Each student researched two consecutive presidents. Besides the basic information such as years in office, party affiliation, vice president, students also found 'weird but true' facts. This made the project very entertaining for the students.
Students used their research and created a chatterpix video featuring each of their presidents.
Once students exported and airdropped their video, I put all videos together into one iMovie.
Students had the best project results when they spoke loudly and slowly. Be sure to separate the students so background noise is not recorded by accident.
Our first graders created iMovies about the four seasons.
Students watched a short BrainPop video about each season. Then they illustrated each season using KidPix.
Objectives of this long term iMovie project:
-learn how to import jpegs
-turn off Ken Burns effect
-add backgrounds with titles
-add transitions
-add music and trim end to match length of movie
-fade out music at end of movie
This project took several weeks. (Students meet once per week for 55 minutes.)
If you haven't used Foldify you are missing out on creative fun!
Our third graders researched different state symbols and then created three dimensional visual representations. After completing a short research worksheet students used the ipads to find pictures of their state symbols. (FREE research worksheet can be found here.)
Foldify makes creating three dimensional shapes easy. Students choose a shape, drag and drop pictures, and print. I printed on cardstock, but regular paper would be fine.
Earth Day is fast approaching and second grade created these wonderful posters for our hallway. We used KidPix for the writing. Students practiced writing "I can" and "I will" statements.
The students loved creating their handprint Earths. After painting our planets the second grade teacher had the great idea of adding a little glitter to their projects. She said, "Everything is better with glitter." Although I disagree, she was correct in this case. 😀
Our entire lower school participated in Career Day. Students came to school dressed as a particular career of interest. We had doctors, builders, pilots, teachers, artists, and so many more. Teachers even participated.
We incorporated Career Day in the computer lab by having first graders write about their future careers. We encouraged students to write and draw with detail.
The holidays are a time I usually dread in the classroom. The students are extra excited, and our schedules are often interrupted for parties, assemblies, holiday concerts and travel. I needed to think of a project that would keep the students engaged during this crazy time of year.
Most of my students hadn't use the Xylo app yet so time was given for them to simply explore and create. No rules, no directions, no limits. After 15 minutes or so, I asked the students to compose Jingle Bells or Joy to the World. Students added synchronized movements.
Like every famous musician, the students wanted to take their show on the road. Our Dash robot flash mob visited our music teacher's classroom, Headmaster's office, and a senior class of digital design students.
Our students were so proud of their creative coding.